We returned to Gary Mears great large room/big stage in Norfolk after a break of around 2 years. We were well looked after at this lovely venue (good sound engineer and PA). Well we may not have pulled as big a crowd as Nine Below Zero, but our crowd figures were up 20% on our last visit.
This was also hopefully a historic night, as it marked the first full gig of our new female vocalist, Ria Hallwood. Bearing in mind that it was her first full show, she did an awesome job. Mandie is a hard task mistress and she has put a lot of work into getting Ria ready. Ria herself is a perfectionist with a great temprament and her voice is very strong. This was a good gig and we have high hopes for the future.

Thanks to Gary for having us and all the great friends and Skegness regulars that turned up and gave us their support.
Hopefully we should be back in here in about 18 months a highly recommended venue.
Thanks to Danny, Bill and Roger for playing their arses off and then driving half the length of the Country to get the whole Band and the equipment home by about 4 in the morning…….
The two encores made it all worth it