Thanks to the incredible work of Nick Garner who pulled together a stunning line up of events in aid of the wonderful J’s Hospice, we happily played this gig without even expenses.
A double header with Tim Aves excellent Blues Band, Wolfpac; it was great to be back at playing a big gig for a great cause. With Tim being very much the local DJ and well known musician I was happy for us to go on 1st.
As a band I think we have done well in the first two gigs since our forced break, but tonight was the night that Roadhouse returned to form. In a nice big venue with a good crowd and full PA, the band really played well. The hour and 15 minutes flew by. Due the the excellent monitoring, the vocals were the best they have been in a long time. Mandie and Sarah’s voice gell together nicely and both girls were on great form despite Mandie’s sore throat.
Bill was also back on top form and along with Roger’s drums the rythmn section powered us through the first few numbers. Third up was the new number ‘Hell on Wheels’ which again was given a good outing and was very well received. ‘Dark Angel’ featured some really smooth as silk harmonies and a fabulous solo from Danny.
Nick Garner himself got up and joined us on harp for a nice, jam style verion of ‘The Roadhouse Blues’. Sarah did well with a nice version of ‘The Lying Game’ and then Mandie brought the house down with her version of ‘House of the Rising Sun’. ‘ Tellin Lies’ culminated in a big shout for an encore and a decent version of Preacher Man ended the night on a high. There was a great crowd reaction, but the people at the Crawdaddy know their music and these were those generous souls who were also supporting Charity. A big thanks to Paul for having us back at his venue for the 6th time and the rest of the guys in that great band ‘the Heaters’ who run the PA.

A massive thanks also to Steve’s amazing photographs a few of which a featured in the last two gig reviews. Thanks for all your great support Gary